Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Hello Yall! It's been so hectic and I haven't blogged in God knows how long! I wanted to let everyone know I'm okay, haha.

I recently moved from Italy back to the USA! So now we're busy getting everything settled in our new house and waiting for all our HHG to arrive from Italy. So for now I haven't been able to craft :( But as soon as I get my HHG back I will start crafting and posting more!

Thanks to everyone who reads this still! hehe. I shall be returning!


Brandy said...

Welcome back!!! I am from H-town too! I'm sure you missed this one season weather. Can I ask how did you finally come across on Google the file for the Nurse cut? I don't own a Silhouette ( I have a Cricut with SCAL) and unforunately it's not within the budget right now :( Any tips you can give that won't show the resules of the etsy website would be great!

Pink and Lemon said...

Hey Brandy,

Unfortunately, I didn't make it back to Houston. :( Good ole uncle Sam sent us to Tennessee. But it is America!! So I am extremely happy!

As for the file, I didn't find it via google, I run a page on FB called "allthingssilhouette cameo&SD" there we have many files uploaded that were all made/traced via the silhouette software. If you feel like it could benefit you go ahead and join us on FB! Can't wait to see you there, and enjoy that BEAUTIFUL Texas weather!

-Maria Perez

Pink and Lemon said...

@Mario Trucillo,

I am so sorry I have not responded. I got lost in life and was absolutely absent for some time (refer to newest blog post for details). I am now back and in action if there is anything you'd like to work on, even with my absence that happened please let me know.

- Maria Perez

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