Hello my friends,
I have definitely been absent from my blog for some time now, Shame on me! I had forgotten the password, the username and everything in-between, thanks to my husbands go-go-gadget skills I am back in!
I am sorry if I have no replied back to comments or anything of a sort as stated above I got all sorts of lost and life got busy as a bee. I am back on and ready to continue my blogging world. Most of my blog is about crafting, I am going to mix it up and throw in some real life things happening as well just so everyone is updated on why I have taken such a break in crafting.
We recently bought a home, and it's beautiful. Finally, something I can paint, decorate and do whatever my heart (and husbands) desires. Now that's what I call crafting extreme!!!
I hope you all don't mind this awfully short post and are as excited as I am to be back on the blogging and crafting train! I will also try to post more YouTube video tutorials for everyone who needs some extra help with the Silhouette software. I have some up right now and will continue to work on more, if you have any suggestions on what I should add, please let me know in the comments section of this blog so I can get started in helping.
Also, I just got a job as a corrections officer at the Riverbend mens maximum security prison, and I am so excited! I worked extremely hard to obtain this job and just got word I start in September. Can you say bitty as a school girl? Very much so!
So for all to know, this blog will be focused on crafting with the random, 'look what my daughter did', and 'this is how life is going now' in-between, Please do not be discouraged by that all. It's just me being a Mom, Wife, Nurse, Maid, Chef, Lover, Fighter, and all those things that I know us moms can relate to. :)
That is all for my 'first' blogging. Hope you all enjoy and understand!!! Have a blessed day everyone!
Good luck with your job, and thanks so much for all your cameo help
Thank you, Glennis. I will continue to provide help and support here through my blog and keep my crafting alive!
- Maria Perez
thank you for the cute nurse file.
Are you still working with the Silhouette? I would love to see what you have made.
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